A while back many of us saw this supercrazy Japanese music video, which shows how awesome it can be for HTML animations to play back in sync with an embedded video. But hand-coding this kind of content wouldn’t be much fun, so I thought I’d share how to visually author similar effects with Edge Animate. For the code and source see below, but first here’s the video tutorial:
Note! I made a few code updates since finishing the video - details at the end of the post.
If you want to try it out, below are some resources to get you started:
And finally, the code that makes it all work. This code should be placed into a creationComplete event handler, and it assumes that there is a symbol called video_holder somewhere in your Edge Animate project.
/* * SETTINGS */
// video code of video to embed var video_code = 'k6wf9QjWo8w';
// width and height of video to embed var vid_w = '560'; var vid_h = '315';
// choose between embedded flash or iFrame youtube API var useIFrame = true;
// site URL - required when embedding an iFrame youtube video var site_url = 'https://fenomas.com';
// when testing iframe versions directly from Edge Animate use this: var site_url = '';
// style the base page $('body').css('backgroundColor', '#000')
// youtube video reference to be used throughout var player = undefined;
// event handler for when the youtube video plays or pauses window.onVideoState = function(status) { // status will be 1 when playing, 2 when paused var time = player.getCurrentTime(); // in seconds if (status==1) { // video is playing sym.play(time*1000); } elseif (status==2) { // video paused sym.stop(time*1000); } }
// the youtube API sends no events at all on seek, // so unfortunately we have to poll the video if // we want to react to when the user seeks manually. :( functionupdatePlayback() { if (player && player.getCurrentTime) { var t = player.getCurrentTime() * 1000; var state = player.getPlayerState(); var dt = sym.getPosition() - t; // match up times if discrepancy exceeds some tolerance var tolerance = 500; //ms if (Math.abs(dt) > tolerance) { if (state==1) { sym.play(t); } else { sym.stop(t); } } } requestAnimationFrame(updatePlayback); } requestAnimationFrame(updatePlayback);
/* EMBED VERSION This chunk of code creates an embedded (Flash) youtube player and sets up the events for the handler above. It's simpler and easier than using an iframe but won't work on mobile. */
if ( ! useIFrame) { // catch youtube API ready event - this gets fired by the embed window.onYouTubePlayerReady = function() { // keep a reference to the video player object player = document.getElementById('player'); // direct state change events to the handler above player.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onVideoState"); }
// create a youtube embed tag with the proper params var params = '?version=3&enablejsapi=1'; var embedScript = '<object width="'+ vid_w +'" height="'+ vid_h +'"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/'+video_code+params+'"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed id="player" src="https://www.youtube.com/v/'+video_code+params+'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="'+ vid_w +'" height="'+ vid_h +'" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>';
// get the HTML element for the 'video_holder' symbol, // and replace its content with the <embed> tag sym.$('video_holder').html( embedScript );
} // end embed insertion
/* IFRAME VERSION This chunk of code creates a youtube player in an iFrame (so whether it plays in flash or html5 is up to youtube). Catching the right events is more complicated due to cross-site restrictions but the youtube API does most of the work. */
if (useIFrame) { // catch the ready event, which will be fired by the youtube API window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() { // create the reference to the player player = newYT.Player('player', { events: { // on state change, catch the event and send its // 'data' property to the event handler defined above 'onStateChange': function(e) { window.onVideoState(e.data); } } }); }
// insert youtube iframe script into page. This fires the events // and handles messaging back and forth with the iframe content var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// define params. Note that you must declare your // site's URL! This is so youtube can allow the cross-site scripting. var params = '?version=3&enablejsapi=1&origin=' + site_url;
// create the iframe tag with the right params var embedScript = '<iframe id="player" width="'+ vid_w +'" height="'+ vid_h +'" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' + video_code + params + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
// get the HTML element for the 'video_holder' symbol, // and replace its content with the <embed> tag sym.$('video_holder').html( embedScript );
} // end iFrame
That’s it! If you make something cool be sure and let me know.
Updates! (2014/7/9) - I made two changes to the JS code. I didn’t update the video, but if you grab the updated source code things should just work. Details:
Local preview changed from “localhost:54321” to “”, to match Edge Animate’s behavior as of the CC 2014 release.
Added a requestAnimationFrame loop that polls the youtube player to keep the page animation and video in sync. This is necessary because the Youtube HTML player doesn’t emit any events at all when the user seeks the video - apparently this is by design, though it makes no sense. (The youtube Flash player sends status events on seek, so the polling loop should rarely/never fire when not using the iframe embed.)